Dead Planet LII

Dead Planet LII

lost in scifaiku—
a Kokka illustration
100 years old

see how the screens—
are cutting-up & folding
back into themselves

this is how haiku—
folds in & out of time
entertaining poets

“The poet princess Saigu no Nyogo Yoshiko,” Kokka, February 1902

Dead Planet LI

Dead Planet LI

love and violence!”

scifaiku film noir—
can be a tasty genre
guns, sex, violence

male femmes fatales get—
downright douchebag addictive
what else is new tho?

gun crazy boyfriends—
can be big trouble for you
if you’re a whiner…

john dall’s a whiner—
whines all the time about it
this, that, his girlfriends

he’s the kinda guy—
gets taken advantage of
hook, line and sinker

it’s young sci-fi meat—
male femme fatale bottom
beneath the blue moon

i’m peggy cummins—
i be top for poor john dall
my whiny bottom

it makes you wonder—
about young couples in crime
like bonny and clyde

that pic of bonny—
propped up on the bent fender
their getaway ford…

bonny looks pretty—
damn butchy if you like ask me
refreshingly svelte

gangster molls as boss—
kunt crime for a fuckin’ change
bonny and peggy…
both my femmes fatales—
gangster ladies of the night
film noir skanky dames

it doesn’t help much—
that john doll’s so butt-ugly
like pretty boy floyd

there was this cute guy—
i like met in the ghost mall
he whined all the time

it got so bad that—
i slipped a big pillowcase
down over his head

he whined about sex—
like wanting it all the time
like twice in a row

he whined about love—
up early in the morning
and at night in bed

he whined about spice—
he whined about giedi prime
it got on my nerves

the only reason—
why i liked him was because
he had a big gun

a big ray-gun—
i was gun-crazy for it
his hot 12-inch rod

he was my gunsel—
i was a sucker for it
his sleek black luger

he packed a heater—
he was so well-endowed that
he limped bow-legged

gimme your ray-gun—
i’d say to the smirky kid
let’s shoot your brains out

i was a sucker—
for the kid’s android hot lead
his silver bullets

he was good at it—
good at shooting his brains out
all the way to mars

whined like a baby—
as i drained his ray-gun dry
dry to the droid bone

his former girlfriend—
took advantage of him bad
she was aggressive
she was like bonny—
she had a streak of s & m
she was just awful

she played in a band—
her favorite thing was to
get him good in bed

wearing her big dick—
her nice hot strap-on dildo
tying it on tight

she get him real good—
her electric vibrator
up against the wall

its neat sweet built-in—
deadly taser beam big head
zapping the kid good

he got off on it—
so she turned up the voltage
and fried him in bed!!!

Dead Planet L

Dead Planet L


see how it unfolds—
the way the crab-writing crawls
sideways across the screen

we have our own way—
digital necromancers
writing scifaiku


even on terra—
if scifaiku poetry
would possibly die

what difference is it—
we’re already abandoned
beneath the old stars


the vast solar wind—
sleeping & dreaming stillness
lunar landscape dawn

the calm titan night—
the secret of saturn’s rings
vandals of the void


the red sands of mars—
so far from nagasaki
yet swords once fell there

the polar caps melt—
the pyramids rot away
total recall time


the neptune seas—
saturn’s swirling methane rings
white snows of fuji

gaze upon the moons—
triton in all its glory
not thinking a thing


tired of brooding—
I take my young android bride
for a honeymoon

niagara falls—
quaint chesley bonestell paintings
gushing worlds gone sour


love or ambition—
does my cute android boyfriend
have electric dreams?

should I feel jealous—
does droid sexuality
dish assimov’s rules?


am I a droid poet—
a thing of man-made temper
a star-child of pride?

i live by the sword—
my laser-taser escort
samurai warlords


I have no ideals—
destiny has its own rules
for robots like me

martian roses—
have more life inside than me
that’s why, I never weep


a cyborg baby—
born in a vat with others
glass curtain of night

now I’m a trooper—
a cold-blooded robocop
sleepless & twisted


my master once said—
I was a nexus model
the best ever made…

“look at you,” he said—
michelangelo’s david
brand-new android boy


I asked the droid muse—
surely the scifaiku lords
knew the true meaning

was I nothing but—
an android in the garden
eve’s nude young lover?


did I feel guilty—
hiding my android prick
behind a fig leaf?

did I feel ashamed—
that I killed many thousands
in the ort cloud war?


was I still virgin—
an 18-year-old killer
a space trooper kid

I was a stranger—
no matter what weird planet
teleported to


I was one of them—
the proud, the few, the android
space marine corps dead

my dna build—
retro-engineered forward
into brave new welt


I’d been cloned for love—
with my evita brown eyes
and marlene lips

i had eva braun’s—
sad last dayz bunker beauty
i spoke fluent deutsch


my luftwaffe dad—
flew messerschmitt rocket ships
all the way to mars

long before orville—
and his brother on the beach
glided the fine waves…


planet earth you know—
was an old nazi planet
for a thousand years

birds of prey—
sleek gaunt stuka lizardly
pterodactyl planes


pretty hyacinths—
replaced by carnivorous
venusian fly traps

sickly war offspring—
were sent back into the night
post-organ transplants


baron harkonnen—
took over oil production
putrid petrol time

big oil planet—
giedi prime global warming
smog trails everywhere


my digital heart—
stirred like a feathered boa
a secret meeting

the screen was pale green—
eucalyptus leaves wilting
in japantown


pacific heights view—
golden gate bridge & the bay
the science fiction space port

abandoned outskirts—
rest of baghdad by the bay
beneath a huge dome


one can see him now—
coldness of the shining moon
against the glass doors

svelte schwarzenegger—
in a sleek helmet looking
distant as the alps


I learned the sadness—
eating ersatz fake
sardines from tin cans

with no more seagulls
flying high up overhead
no more ocean fish


the blue of the sky—
the deep blue of the deep sea
tainted by exxon

bread-basket midwest—
genetically modified
food plagues everywhere


there’s more life they say—
at the bottom of titan’s
deep blue methane seas

than what’s inside me—
my fine reverse engineered
cold corporate cock


I can’t remember—
the sight of my mother or
father either…

only test tube love—
slimy eyes & suction lips
dead lonely as stones


thru the dark night streets—
robot drones glide overhead
red beady slit-eyes

weary faces line—
the dirty sidewalks outside
the soylent green stores

Dead Planet XLIX

Dead Planet XLIX

“Over to the museum.
He said he wanted to
take in the exhibit of
Edvard Munch that’s
there now. It ends
—Philip K. Dick, “Do Androids
Dream of Electric Sheep?”

it was a silent—
scream but not like old silent
hollywood movies

the munch man screaming—
silently on the bleak bridge
was an android man

he covered his ears—
clapping his hands in horror
around his poor head

his mouth was open—
but it was a silent scream
the worst kind they say

it wasn’t a howl—
it wasn’t even human
it was humanoid

just enough human—
to flood the air around him
with a silent scream

it was an android—
with a bald pear-like pale skull
with horror-glazed eyes

the painting was grim—
he was overcome with the
shock of some horror

had the humanoid—
suddenly realized that he
was cybernetic?

had it realized—
suddenly the sheer horror
of not being human?

one can almost hear—
the dreadful scream of angst and
droid apocalypse…