Soiled Sinema

Soiled Sinema

“Literature must accept how
unimportant books are now
in people’s lives and not set
itself impossible goals”
—Vargas Llosa, NYTimes Review
of Levine’s Puig biography

I simply don’t have time anymore—
For anything resembling serious
Reflection and reading Novels

With Youtube and Twitter—
And Miss Facebook, well, there’s
Simply no time for Old Hat

My life has so many pressing—
Problems, pressures and diversions
That make Literature seem so Lame

I’d much rather see a movie—
Entitled “The Next Best Thing”
Rather than read the Tacky Thing

Movies Versus Books

“In Puig’s writing, there
are careful, skillfully
constructed images but
no ideas… just phantoms
and displays of wit…”
—Vargas Llosa, NYTimes Review
of Levine’s Puig biography

Take Miss Puig’s rather cinematic—
“Kiss of the Spider Woman” Novel
And compare it to the Movie

Miss Llosa rightly rants on & on—
About Miss Puig being hardly very
Interested in Old Time Literature

Who cares if William Hurt—
Portrays a tacky str8t version of
What Drag Queens are really like?

Box office sales and wooing—
The Heteronormative Audience
Is Hollywood’s Bread and Butter!!!

Betrayed by Hollywood Babylon

“Puig’s work may be the best
representative of what has been
called light literature, undemanding
pleasing schlock that has no other
purpose than being tres campy”
—Vargas Llosa, NYTimes Review
of Levine’s Puig biography

Who cares if Rita Hayworth—
Rather seriously or satirically
Betrays poor pouty Miss Puig?

The same with Maria Montez—
Betrayed by Jack Smith’s rather
Kitschy trashy “Flaming Creatures”?

Many actresses are Diva wantabes—
Like haughty Heddy Lamarr spoiled
By a wealthy selfish Sugar Daddy

Other Divas like Bette Davis—
Look around the Hollywood party
And simply say “What a Dump!!!”

Soiled Sinema

“Doesn’t this give you
a headache just thinking
about it?”—Alan Cheuse,
Introduction to Puig’s
Betrayed by Rita Hayworth

Writing a Novel made of—
Voices, spoken aloud and
Rambling on simply forever

Writing a Novel made of—
Even worse the same Voices
Spoken internally like Proust

Writing a Novel made of—
A poor dizzy Queen caught up
In the illusions of Movies

And for better or worse—
Writing filmscripts for us to
Enjoy Bijou Soiled Cinema?

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