Taxi Boyfriend

Taxi Boyfriend

“You talkin' to me?”
—Robert De Niro,
Taxi Driver (1976)

“You said something to me?”
“No—I didn’t say nothing.”
“Yes, you said something.”

“No—I swear I didn’t.”
“Yeah, but you thought it”
I shrugged—how could I lie?

“I didn’t mean to,” I said.
“Yeah, you always say that.”
“Ah c’mon—gimme a break.”

“Yeah—I can read your lips.”
“But they weren’t moving.”
“Yeah—but your mind was.”

I always ended up—that way.
Shrugging—“Nevermind” but
I couldn’t get him off my mind.

How can I argue with you?
You’re so incorrigibly perfect.
Always so cynically cocky.

“I heard that”—he said.
We tried a little body language
It was—better than way!!!

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