“...its a rather pleasant change
when all your life you've had people
looking after you, to have someone
to look after yourself..”
― Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
Only of course it has to be—
someone pretty hopeless to need
looking after some poor monstrous
creature such as a rather gimpy
shambling Monster like me with
all my various and sundry needs
like charging my ugly neck bolts
regularly with Miss Voltage
I was tired of hiding from the—
Hordes of humans and the putrid
Posses hunting down us Monsters,
Mobs of mean Planet of the Apes
Haters of us Genetically Modified
Others, we GMO innocent victims
of Baron Frankenstein’s helpless
Living Undead brought back to life
by louche moody Mad Scientists
Where could I hide in fair weather—
being a helpless orphan of the storm?
I was in search of love in those days,
and I hid in both full of fear and faint,
my knowingly recognized apprehension
that here at last, I might find that
low door in the wall, which others,
I knew, had found before me, which
opened on an enclosed enchanted
garden, which was close somewhere,
not overlooked by any window, in
the heart of this grey city
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