“He did not fail in love,
but he lost the joy of it [...]”
― Evelyn Waugh,
Brideshead Revisited
They say that knowing and loving—
one other human being is the root
of all wisdom, but what if that other
hates you and despises you and
thinks you’re ugly and wishes you
were fucking dead again, hmm?
James Whale smirked knowingly—
So did Ernst Thesiger who coyly
announced and presented Madame
Elsa Lanchester the lovely Bride to
me her fellow denizen of the Dead
the cumly culmination of my lovely
charming Freak Show Marriage
Elsa my stitched-together Bride—
with her Art Deco Streamlined
Moderne sleek stylish hairdo with
its tres chic Lightening Bolt slash
up across her cute Kunt Coiffure
designed especially by the fag
Director James Whale Esquire
I trembled in Gay Anticipation—
exquisitely pleased by the rare
possibility of a truly romantic—
unworldly Honeymoon down
there in the dank Basement
beneath the Baron’s Castle
consummating our cumly
Transylvanian Marriage
Ernst Thesiger our brilliant—
esteemed charming Herr
Doktor Professor Pretorius
simply couldn’t wait for
the Undead Progeny from
our Union to Hatch, Grow
and Procreate into the
Army of Zombies that he
predicted would surely
take over the Welt!!!
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