Boy in the Berghof 2


“Therefore we must conclude that, even though some Nazi ideologues had reservations about Parsifal and despite Hitler's dislike of the "Christian mystical style" in which it had until then always been presented on stage, both Hitler and Goebbels were looking forward to new productions of the opera after the war.”—John Deathridge, Wagner Beyond Good and Evil, Univ. of California Press 

After the war, he retreated to the Berghof with me as his companion—to console him in his last years. He didn’t have much time left…

He turned over the Third Reich to Albert Speer—the only intellectual amongst the Nazi thugs that he surrounded himself with. 

Speer was an Artist like him—he would build the New Berlin and design the Third Reich that would last a Thousand Years.

A photo in Paris captures the geniuses of the Third Reich as they contemplated the future. Hitler, Speer and Becker taking in the Eiffel Tower—planning the New Berlin.

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