Bad Seed


My mother be a high-yellow pretty redhead—
She gave me her bright orange-red pubes

But that’s not all of course, baby—
She gave me all my dinge Pride & Shame

Penis envy and jealousy got me thru—
The whole goddamn stupid whitey venue

Guys in gym would stare in the showers—
I let them see it hard all the way, man

Word got around school, gays & chicks—
Started really paying attention to me 

Calling me up late on Saturday nights—
Wanting to date me at the Snake Pit Drive In

I was easy so I got around pretty good—
Fag teachers kept me after school dontchaknow

I needed it bad getting off twice a day—
They got me loaded on acid and weed

Pretty soon I had this really Bad Attitude—
I could feel Bad Seed flowing in my veins

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