Dark Victory


For Dr. Francis X. Allard

“Well, my dear” —
Bette Davis said with an
“All About Eve” twist of
Her swishing cigarette

“Better late than never” —
Referring to the recent gay
Marriage initiative passed
In the State of Washington

Francis had been dead —
Since 2000 after 27 years
Being my partner after
Meeting each other at UW

“Tell me, my dear” —
Bette said, standing on
The big winding staircase
Glancing down at the party

“How many are there —
I wonder, gay widows like
You now that the grand
Performance is over?”

I girded my loins —
Fastened my seatbelt
It had been a very
Bumpy ride, my dears

A true “Dark Victory” —
So many of us gay couples
Had lost our partners by
This dark victorious night

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