Santa Fe Romance


Santa Fe Train Station
Emporia’s Little Mexico
La Colonia Trailer Court
Las Casitas Park

Santa Fe Train Station

I’d pick Lopez up at—
The Santa Fe Railroad
Station late at night

He had a day job—
In Kansas City and
Commuted each day

We’d have a late—
Dinner at Blaylock’s
Café quietly together

Then I’d take him—
Home south of the tracks
Down on South Street

He lived alone in a—
Dumpy little trailer
In “Little Mexico”

Emporia’s Little Mexico

Emporia had this dirty—
Little secret that it
Kept all to itself

It had its very own—
Hidden little Mexican
Ghetto there in town

From the 1920’s—
Santa Fe imported and
Hired Mexican laborers

To work the tracks—
The Wheel House and
All the different shops

Cheap housing—
For their big families
No questions asked

La Colonia Trailer Court

They called it Little Mexico—
But the older Hispanics back
Then called it La Colonia

Some stayed when the—
Great Depression came
Doing odd jobs & gardening

Lopez lived alone in—
A Streamlite Travel Trailer
I’d stay overnight with him

He had a crucifix there—
Hanging on the bare wall
Above his ratty little bed

He stared at it at night—
When I was in bed with
Him, sucking him off

Las Casitas Park

There’s a park there
Now where the ghetto
Used to be hidden 

Over the years—
Las Casitas Park has served
As the main location for Fiestas

For car shows, quinceneras—
And basketball tournaments
For meetings and birthday parties

Reunions and rehearsals—
For various Mexican dance groups
Arriba!!! Come rain or shine!!!

Not to mention everyday use—
As a playground for the youth
With its basketball court

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