Psycho IV


“I masturbated.  In fantasies,
my adolescent form was
replaced by Janet Leigh's
from Psycho"—Scott Heim
The Death of Anthony Perkins

Stuffed owls creep—
Up and down the old
Ratty-carpet stairs

Mother smells—
Something cheesy in
The motel down below

Stuffed swallows blink—
Norman smiles as he
Unlocks Gavin’s door

Gavin’s taking a—
Nice hot shower
It’ll be his last one

The shower curtain—
Slides back and what
Does Norman see?

It’s handsome Gavin—
Beating off and starting
To fuckin cum

He’s got soap in—
His eyes & can’t see
The big butcher knife

Besides his eyes—
Are closed as he
Shoots out his brains

Norman’s heart—
Pitter-patters away
Gavin’s going spaz

Then comes the—
First stab deep into
Gavin’s flexed ass

A floorboard snaps—
Like a backbone up
There in the mansion

An antique banister—
Creaks with sharp pain
As Gavin screams

With each fatal stab—
John Gavin falls to his
Knees in the shower

Ending up with his—
Eyeball gazing down
Into the swirling drain

Tony plays the role—
Transvestite Murderer
So very perfectly

Taking his time—
Taxidermy for Gavin
The hot young Toughie

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