Shopping at Costco with Hamlet

Shopping at Costco with Hamlet

To be or not to be—isn’t the question
It’s already too late—we’re already in hell
I woke up today—and realized I’m fucked
I was shopping in Costco—and couldn’t get out
The hair on the back of my neck—stood straight up
All the creeps in my life were there—shopping
Carts full of heart-ache—full of crummy bargains
I wanted to die—but there was no escape
Hell made consumption—completely mandatory
I wasn’t just dreaming—I didn’t have a choice
All the previous whips and scorns—of misfortune
They were nothing—compared with death’s dream
All the pangs of love I despised—were back again
The insolence of TPTB—getting even at last with me
The rulers of hell are patient—pride is their pudding
They’re patient with both believers—and infidels
After grinding and sweating—your weary life
Dreading something—worse than bankruptcy
Along comes Swine Flu—Global Thanatos Oink
Formaldyhide City—the Undiscovered Country
Where no shopper—returns to the parking lot
Once inside the Warehouse of Death—No Escape
Costco makes cowards of us all—puzzles the will
Honeycombed with side-rooms—full of Family
The worst ones—full of mother in laws bitching
All of them eating pizza—choking on hot-dogs
Over it all the sickly twilight—neon hue of death
An enterprise of great—Dantean pitch and moment
In this regard there’s—no turning away ever
It’s all meant to be—it’s waiting for you and me.

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