Priscilla—Snotty von Snout

Priscilla—Snotty von Snout

Priscilla—Snotty von Snout
Prettiest—Piggy No Doubt
Pouty—Picky Picayune
Prefers—Petunias in June
Princess—of Poughkeepsie Poop
Proud—her Poop doesn’t Plop
Pert—Porky Pig in the Pink
Promenading—Pork of Central Park
Proud—of her Snarky Snout
Pleased—little Pork-Chop Piglette
Pauses—by the Pig Sty Cafe
Pretending—to Portray some Leg
Playfully—Pondering the Parade
Perturbed—by Park Avenue Chic
Paled—by Ponzi Porky Pig Greed
Puzzled—by Stock Market Putrescence
Pushing—Mrs. Palin as POTUS
Pausing—to Pork Out at Wendy’s
Pushing—her Protruding Cell Phone
Pushing—it Deeper into her Blue Rinse
Penetrating—her Pulsating Pituitary Gland
Pusillanimously—Perambulating Pinhead

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