Cleaving Spring

Hojoki Horoscope

“Venus in the
pale green sky”
—Kenneth Rexroth,
“Spring,” Hojoki

Venus—exactly Sextiles
Aquarian Jupiter—at 7:35 AM
Under a bar—of morning light
The moon—opposing Uranus
In conjunction—with Sol
Leaving me—Void of Course
Through the day—mostly with
The memory—of the year
Passing thru—then Pluto
Squaring Luna—in Libra
Sitting by the fire—letting my
Rice boil—in the growing dusk
Rain coming—down through
The cedars—abysmal lake


“A thing unknown
for years”
—Kenneth Rexroth,
“Spring,” Hojoki

A thing—unknown for years
Sleeping—until March cherry
Trees—begin to bloom
First crocuses—green blades
Then the lone—male robin
Catching worms—getting ready
For her—ahead of time
It’s—enough for now

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