Cleaving Ed Wood Jr.

Jailbait (2009)—The Movie

“I came down like water

For the age of solar

Hail to the father

Kiss your sons and daughters

Goodbye goodbye”

—Shudder to Think,
Ballad of Maxwell Demon

I came down—like water
I came down—like champagne
I came down—like Canadian Royal
I came down—like a Silver Bullet
I came down—just for you!!!

Knock knock—on your door!!!
Knock knock—who’s that baby!!!
Knock knock—c’mon you know who!!!
Knock knock—comin’ down like water!!!
Knock knock—oh baby, just for you!!!

Got sick and tired of wasting—my time
C’mon—show me the way down

Never mind—all those other boyz
Coming around—here no more

Sometimes I wonder—if I'm still alive
Six feet down under—six inside you!!!

Despite the duress—always getting pissed
It's the only sure-fire way—to win you over

Your love can’t hurt me—Bijou matinee boy!!!
I'm here to celebrate—the one below
At last I know—The Plan 9 From Outer Space!!!
Slap me on my ass—gimme your lipstick-love!!!

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