Tacky Hair Do Tilt


A fellow chicken-queen connoisseur—
commented recently that the tilt of
Justin Bieber’s cute little hat, worn
rather high to avoid messing his do
was more than a tad pretty silly

And the Bieb’s saggy pants?—
so tres 2010 if not 2005, not that 
she was complaining with the cute
19-year-old pop star piece of lovely
delectable delicious cheesecake

But, my dears, she was definitely being—
rather bitchy saying that Bieber’s hat looks
totally dorky—but then so do black socks 
with shorts, which is all the rage now. But, 
hem lines on men's shorts are inching up!!!

Another day, another dollar, honey—
another shirtless paparazzi shot or casual 
selfie from the Biebs, right? Pretty soon
his cute little body will be simply covered
with tacky tattoos like cheap graffiti!!!!

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