Strong City


I didn’t much want to—
but like I couldn’t help it

Him waitin for me—
in his Chevy pickup truck

Waitin for me there in—
the high school parking lot

Smokin a cigarette—
after all that boring shit

The shit they put us thru—
punchin a fuckin clock

Gettin us ready for it—
shitty working class crap

There I stood lookin—
at him like I always did

He didn’t look away—
he said “Get in, baby”

We drove west outta—
town real slow on Sixth

Hank Williams on the—
radio from OK City

Suddenly I realized—
I was never gonna

Gonna be the same—
not with him anyway

Out past Hwy 50—
past the Truck Stop

He reached over—
grabbed my leg

Jaysus christ I—
fainted then & there

Talk about angels—
descendin' outta heaven

I was ready for it—
some wings to fly

Ready for anything—
he wanted me to be

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