ALLEN GINSBERG (1926-2007)
The Buddhists swarmed—
around his dead body
Busy doing their tacky—
dharma rebirth routines
Allen could meditate—
for hours & hours
Some stupid boulder—
doing his meditation trick
The only problem was—
coming down from there
He’d be horny as hell—
chicken in the SAFEWAY
So much for NAROPA—
getting off in Boulder
Despite all the Poetics—
all that Spontaneous Shit
There was only one thing—
Neil Cassidy’s fine bod
Even butchy Kerouac—
fell in love with Neil
Denver laments eternally—
Neil Cassidy its Male Diva
There’s nothing quite—
like that young Stud cock
Fag poets aren’t any—
different than anybody else
Cassidy the cute Cowboy—
his true Story yet to be told
It’s the Story of America—
back then in the Fifties
It’s something even now—
that haunts all of us
But they’re all gone now—
Allen was one of the last
Burroughs in Kansas—
with his shotguns & cats
This is how it happens—
Literary movements live
They shoot their wads—
America craves their cum
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