

“Holding down a part-time job as a copyboy at The New Yorker, Capote was certain that his rise to literary greatness was just on the horizon.”Douglas McCollam, "In cold type," Columbia Journalism Review, November 1, 2012

No longer an Isherwood camera—
a faux innocent tape recorder instead

Brando’s interview in THE NEW YORKER—
the flaming end of old HOLLYWOOD

Capote disguised as Trojan Horse—
ending the Hollywood Studio System

Queering it with Stanislav—
using the Method ditching the Schmaltz

Treating Hollywood Babylon—
like he did NYC tacky High Society

Interviewing the High and Mighty—
dishing the rich jet-set bourgeoisie

Letting their own gossip undo them—
La Côte Basque on East Fifty-fifth Street

Confessing their deep dark tacky secrets—
all the La Grenouille, La Caravelle snobbisme

One could say she betrayed them—
taking New Journalism into secret places

Getting the Rich & Famous to gossip about—
things they’d never say to THE NEW YORK TIMES

Nothing quite like tipsy Millionairesses—
their trashy gossip a la “La Côté Basque”

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