My American Boyfriend

My American Boyfriend

My American boyfriend—such a doll
All my sisters—green with jealousy
Wherever I showed—him off
Between girlfriends—letting him
Flaunt his male beauty—the way
Boss Cupid does it—vainly

Being on the—college gym team
Always helps—the way he didn’t
Take showers—like Arthur Rimbaud
The way I gave—him tongue-baths
Like Verlaine—in Left Bank dives
And London attics—in the rain

Bulging biceps—a life of their own
Twisting at night—in dream Gyms
Flat hard stomach—xylophone smooth
Tight pectoral wings—spreading out
Sleeping in my—dumpy apartment
Protruding bellybutton—so suckable

So cute in his—ROTC cadet uniform
Making me feel—so awfully AWOL
His big bazooka—bulging down there
His Venus torso—sleek thin waist
Marching away—so red white & blue
Me just a stupid—puddle of goo

My American boyfriend—so cute
Back then in the Sixties—when we
Smoked dope—Baby Boomers boyz
So naïve about—Nam & Kent State
Now we’re—Pukey Ponzi Patsies
You know kinda—Tiananmen Lite?

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