In the New World Tree
“One element that
makes it spooky…”
—Jackson Mac Low
synchronicity—time moving backwards
time moving forwards—with your quick word-hoard
your flow of imagination—paying special attention to all the
sky-plagues and hell-brides—hell-serfs and whale-beasts
troll-nests and war-boards—cloud-murk and sea brutes
ring hoards and wave-vats—whale-roads and the gelding
monster haelfhundingas—lycanthropic wolf’s tooth
roggenwolf & brimwylf—grundwyrgenne & heorowearh
lots of dutch courage—bear-shirts and wolf-heads
the horse and rider—the keenest for fame
beowulf’s old england—the clans of the sea coast
the scyld scefing—the mead-benches shaking
blue-cloak one-eye odin—with gungnir his staff of power
two ravens hugin & munin—“thought” and "memory”
the world tree—yggdrasil a journey
niflheim, midgaard, asgard—roots, trunk, branches
balder the beautiful—hodr his blind brother
trickster god loki—ragnarok & the wolf fenrir
thor the strong—jormagund welt-serpent
grendel dread waters—the bog people
elves and evil shades—the shining ones
alfablot and elfshot—aelfsiden eyes into the future
keres and valkyries—black dogs and blue hags
devouring goddesses—haggard clairvoyants
noose and neck ring—love-death & brotherly love
snorri sturluson—prose edda soap opera queen
ancient germania—herminones & istaevones
houses of the dead—stone age ceremonies
battle axes—and the mound people
the pagan year—the groves of the gods
the hooded man—the hall turned to ashes
the wuffingas—sutton hoo
stepping aside some—authoring less linearly
"simultaneously”—in the present
moving forwards—moving backwards
in timeless—time
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