Cleaving Saramago

Bernardo Soares

“It’s more difficult to be
someone else in prose”
--Fernando Pessoa,
Concerning the Work of
Bernardo Soares

i was playing—with myself

playing solitaire—that is

like my aunt—indifferently

playing cards—josé saramago

my new other—lisbon talks!

“fictions—of the interlude”

i called it—while josé calls it

“death—with interruptions”

readers—knowing of course

i’m publishing—thru josé

(even tho—it publishes itself

crocheted—by invisible fingers

both josé & i—long dead now)

look at these—new fingers

playing solitaire—tonight…


trustful aren’t i—fujitsu game

tablet, stylus—friday night

on the outskirts—of Lisbon

buenos aires—London?

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